Hal Spellisay: Regina's College Pipeline
Hal Spellisay was on the front end of the Regina, Saskatchewan to U.S. College pipeline. Over 50 years ago, Spellisay took the rare leap from Western Canada to U.S. College. Spellisay landed in Colorado Springs as a member of the Colorado College Tigers.
Prior to the States, Spellesay played for the Regina Commandos and then junior hockey with the famous Notre Dame College Greyhounds of Wilcox, Sask.
By the late 1950's the Regina pipeline feed quality hockey players mainly to the University of Michigan and the University of Denver. Players like Red Berenson, Jerry Kolb, Gordon Wilkie, Gary Butler, Joe Lunghamer attended Michigan. Grant Munro, Marty Howe and Jerry Walker all played for the Pioneers after playing junior for the Regina Patricias.
Spellisay played very little hockey after leaving Colorado College. He played a few games in a commercial league in Saskatoon. After hockey, time was just spent skating for pleasure.
At last report, Spellisay was retired and living in Kelowna, British Columbia.
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